Pro Tips To a Successful Antelope Hunt

August 2, 2024
Greg Ray

Hey there, fellow hunters! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie eager to bag your first antelope, I've got you covered with expert tips and practical advice to ensure a successful and enjoyable hunt. In this guide, I'll share my personal insights from years of hunting and running Outdoor Solutions. We'll cover everything from selecting the right gear to mastering shooting techniques and understanding antelope behavior. Let's dive into the world of antelope hunting together!

Why Antelope Hunting?

Antelope hunting is an excellent choice for both new and experienced hunters for several reasons:

  • High Success Rate: The thriving antelope population in North America ensures a high likelihood of success, making it perfect for beginners.
  • Short Time Commitment: Unlike some hunts that require extensive time off, antelope hunts can be completed in a few days.
  • Affordable: Compared to other big game hunts, antelope hunting is relatively inexpensive.
  • Spot and Stalk Skills: Hunting antelope helps you hone your spot and stalk skills, essential for other types of hunting.

The Perfect Terrain

Antelope are found in the wide-open spaces of the Western United States. States like New Mexico, Montana, and Wyoming are prime locations. These areas feature:

  • Open Terrain: Antelope prefer areas with little to no topography changes, allowing them to utilize their incredible eyesight and speed.
  • Short Vegetation: The sparse vegetation makes it easier to spot antelope but also means they can see you from a long distance.

Understanding Antelope

Antelope are among the most challenging animals to hunt due to their:

  • Exceptional Eyesight: Antelope can see almost as well as you can with 10x binoculars and have a 320-degree field of view.
  • Speed: They can run at speeds over 50 miles per hour, making it nearly impossible to outrun them.

Essential Gear for Antelope Hunting

You don't need a ton of gear for antelope hunting, but there are some essentials you shouldn’t leave home without:

  1. Firearm, Optics, and Ammunition:
  • Rifle: I prefer the Benelli Lupo in 6.5 Creedmoor for its accuracy and manageable recoil.
  • Scope: A good scope is vital. I use Zeiss optics for their clarity and precision, for this particular hunt I used the Conquest V4 4-16 x 50
  1. Binoculars:
  • Clear, high-quality binoculars with a built-in rangefinder, like the Zeiss RFs, are indispensable for spotting antelope and calculating distances.
  1. Tripod:
  • A stable tripod, such as the Bog Death Grip, helps you take steady shots, especially in open terrain.
  1. Day Pack:
  • A lightweight pack to carry essentials like water, snacks, rain gear, and knives. I recommend packs from Eberlestock or Outdoorsmans.
  1. Sharp Knife:

Additional Gear

While the essentials are crucial, a few extra items can make your hunt more comfortable:

  • Leather Gloves: Protect your hands from thorns and burs during spot and stalk maneuvers.
  • Water: Ensure you have plenty of water, especially during the hotter months of the hunting season.
  • Snacks: Keep your energy up with easy-to-carry snacks.

Shooting Techniques and Practice

Successful antelope hunting often involves taking longer shots due to the open terrain. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Practice Long-Range Shooting:
  • Antelope hunts typically require shots between 200 to 400 yards. Regular practice at these distances will improve your accuracy.
  1. Shooting Positions:
  • Seated Tripod: The most common shooting position I use. It provides stability and a clear line of sight over low vegetation.
  • Prone Position: Effective but less common due to the height of the vegetation.
  • Standing Tripod: Useful for quick shots but less stable than sitting.
  1. Utilizing Terrain:
  • Use what little topography changes there are to your advantage. Practice using small hills or dips in the landscape to get closer to your target without being seen.

Preparing for the Hunt

Preparation is key to a successful hunt. Here are some steps to ensure you’re ready:

  1. Scout the Area:
  • Spend time before the season starts to understand where the antelope are and their movement patterns.
  1. Check Your Gear:
  • Make sure all your equipment is in working order. This includes zeroing your rifle and checking your optics, fresh batteries if used.
  1. Physical Fitness:
  • Antelope hunting can require lots of walking and some seasons are in the heat of the summer. Ensure you’re in good shape to handle the terrain and long days in the field.

From Field to Table

Antelope meat is delicious and often underappreciated. Proper field dressing and preparation can make a significant difference in taste:

  • Field Dressing:
  • Field dress your antelope as soon as possible to preserve the meat's quality. Use a sharp knife and be careful to avoid puncturing the stomach or intestines.
  • Remove the cape as soon as possible to start the cooling process, if you have a large enough cooler to get the entire antelope carcass in go that route, if not quarter your animal but in both cases use frozen gallon jugs of water if available. If that is not an option put your bags of ice in a heavy duty trash bag, so the ice does not leak onto your meat allowing it to soak.  
  • Cooking Antelope:
  • There are many ways to prepare antelope meat. Check out our cooking videos for recipe ideas and cooking tips, here on our website. (Most important tip, “Don’t over cook”)


Antelope hunting is an exhilarating and rewarding experience. By following these tips on gear, shooting techniques, and preparation, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy a safe and ethical hunt. Whether you’re a first-time hunter or a seasoned pro, antelope hunting offers a unique challenge and the opportunity to improve your hunting skills. So, gear up, practice your shots, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the wide-open spaces of the West. Happy hunting! If you would like to attend one of our Montana Antelope Field To Table Events, check out our calendar and video from last years event here.


I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions or need more tips, feel free to reach out. See you out in the field! 918 258 7817 Email:  

Greg Ray

Outdoor Solutions


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